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6 Tips on Setting Boundaries With Social Media 

Are your phone screen time reports high? While it’s easy to swipe those reports away, take those reports as a heart check to what you’re prioritizing in your life.

1. Set screen time limits on your phone. 

Use this feature on your phone. Set a limit for an hour each day. Set a screen time limit, especially at bedtime, so that you’re not tempted to scroll after bedtime. 

2. Set screen time within apps. 

TikTok includes this feature that allows users to limit the amount of screen time on the app for each user. Go to settings in the upper right-hand corner, find the “Digital Wellbeing” menu and visit Screen Time. For other apps which don’t have this handy feature, set a timer on your phone or download an app that sets these limits for you. 

3. Find another hobby. 

I get it—breaking these unhealthy habits can be tough. But how do you stop scrolling? Find something else to do. If you are tempted to scroll after school, then replace that bad habit with taking a walk, cleaning your space or hanging out with friends or family. Try hobbies like knitting, playing an instrument or playing sports to occupy your mind. 

4. Grab an accountability partner. 

Tell a friend or family member that you want to set boundaries with social media. It’s easier when you know someone is watching out for you in case you fall into a rabbit hole while scrolling on TikTok.  

5. Pray about it. 

Talk to God about this potentially unhealthy relationship that you have with social media apps. Instead of getting the dopamine fix from scrolling, enjoy the life and creation around you.  

6. Consider deleting social media apps. 

Maybe for you, setting boundaries with social media means wiping out your social media apps from your phone altogether. This doesn’t have to be permanent, but rather giving yourself this space.  

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