
Podcast Review: The Lazy Genius Collective

Why are after-school routines important? The hours after work or school are crucial and should be managed. By Devonte Lawson

Why are after-school routines important? Kendra, host of “The Lazy Genius” podcast, talks about this concept. Whether you are a college student or young professional, you can benefit from this podcast. The hours after work or school are crucial and should be managed carefully. Kendra challenges us to think about what absolutely must happen after school.

If you live a very busy life, it’s normal to feel exhausted after a full day’s work. Kendra attempts to make our routines or chores more fun to complete. Honestly, I can even see this podcast being beneficial to parents. Kendra points out that she uses screen time and video games as an incentive for her children to do their chores after school.

This podcast is practical and suitable to multiple audiences.

Therapy for Black Girls

Self-worth and self-esteem should always be taught, especially at a young age. This podcast addresses the topic. What do we do when our self-esteem is low? What can we do when we don’t feel loved? This episode provides resources to help.

The Love Chat

Why do we choose to respect people? Do we respect out of fear? “The Love Chat” podcast answers these questions. Respect is at the center of all relationships, whether business or personal. If you would like to know how to obtain respect from others, start by understanding what it truly is, then exemplify it.

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