
Podcast Review: “An Uncluttered Life”

This podcast offers advice on how to get that power back, with important consideration to daily choices. By Devonte Lawson

This podcast encourages us to take life by the horns! As a young adult, our lives can be overwhelming. Sometimes it may even seem like our lives are out of our control. This podcast offers advice on how to get that power back, with important consideration to the daily choices we have. Unintentionally, we may make passive choices. This hits home to many college students who may allow procrastination to dictate the outcome of their current situations. According to this podcast, we empower our problems by not actively choosing to solve them. Beyond college students, this can relate to parents and young professionals who may feel that they have no control of what is happening in their lives. This podcast communicates that we have the opportunity to make a choice every day. What are you going to actively choose to accomplish?

“Self Care with the Mindful Tech Lab”

Physical symptoms of depression can help identify why we feel depressed and can help prevent it. What we may interpret as a mild headache can have a deeper root cause. It is important to take care of ourselves in the midst of our busy and progressive lives.

“Side Hustle School”

“The Side Hustle School” podcast encourages us to grind. Sometimes we try side hustles and it may not be profitable or ends up a bust. What do we do when being an Uber or Doordash driver isn’t a good fit for us? This podcast ultimately teaches that if something doesn’t work out at first, then regroup and find another way to execute.

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