Meet Keziah
Overwhelmed with the love of Jesus at age three, Keziah has wanted to share the Gospel, ever since.
Kish was encouraged by her two loving Salvation Army officer (pastor) parents to nurture a close relationship with God, even in the darkest moments.
A big-time superhero fan, Kish was challenged by a Salvation Army officer (pastor) who said, “You are really into these superheroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman—but do you know that Jesus is better than all of them? Jesus not only killed the enemy, but He died on the cross to save you because of His unconditional love for you.” In that moment, Kish recommitted her life to God.
In her teenage years, Kish questioned where God was in the picture of desperation her friends found themselves in. Some had suicidal thoughts, some cut themselves and others faced depression—and they confided in Kish. She began to question and doubt that God cared.
“God is my everything,” says Kish. “Open your hearts. Open your mind. Seek Him—He will hear.” Don’t miss Kish’s video this month on Peer’s social!
Traveling soon after to the United States to be part of CAST (Creative Arts Ministries Team), Kish had a breakthrough moment. Her team learned a drama in which the character playing God spoke the words: “Come home. Come Home.” She thought back to her doubt and knew those words were being spoken directly to her heart. She ran to the character playing God, hugged him and cried. “I felt that God was also hugging me through him,” said Kish.
In 2018, Kish joined Revolution Hawaii. It was there that she formed friendships with the homeless in her community and learned what facilities served them. “I don’t have luxury in my life, but I can still eat three times a day. They don’t,” says Kish.
This experience, as well as other service trips, propelled her desire to create a homeless ministry back at her home corps (church), where she has returned. Kish leads praise and worship, plays percussion, teaches Sunday school, dances and supports the mission in any way she can.
Join Peer in praying for Kish and her ministry!
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