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How to Set Achievable Goals

Overall, goals are achieved best when we know ourselves and who God made us to be. By Major Carey Richmond
Ask an Officer

Goals are easier to meet when they are realistic, measurable and catered to your own learning style and motivation type. If you are wanting to run a marathon, running 26.2 miles on your first day of training would not be realistic. You would need to schedule your training, beginning with a slower pace and shorter miles. If your goal is to learn a new skill, be specific about the number of days a week you would practice to get to where you want to be. However, if you are someone who gets distracted by the things going on around you, a timed goal won’t work alone. A better strategy for you would be to create smaller specific tasks of a bigger project. If you have a five-page paper due by Friday, separate the paper into chunks and give each section of the paper a specific due date. (I will complete section one on Monday, section two on Tuesday, etc.). 

Overall, goals are achieved best when we know ourselves and who God made us to be. Then, we can create goals with that in mind.

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