
6 Tips for Memorizing Scripture

"Memorization helps to understand Scripture so you can live it out every day."

Maybe one of your resolutions was to read the entire Bible in a year. A critical part to reading the Bible is to understand what you’re reading. Memorization helps to understand Scripture so you can live it out every day. Here are six tips to help you memorize Scripture. 

1. Post-it notes! 

Choose a verse to focus on for a week (day, week, month—you decide), write it down on a post-it note and stick it on your mirror or wherever you look to first thing in the morning. 

2. Set it as your phone wallpaper. 

Go to the YouVersion Bible app (it’s free!), choose your focused verse and most likely, the app will create a beautiful graphic to set as your phone wallpaper. 

3. Grab an accountability partner. 

Tell your Bible study group or a friend that you want to start memorizing verses each week. These friends can keep you accountable in reciting these verses until you have them memorized. Record a video on TikTok if that helps keep you accountable. 

4. Write it down. 

Write the verse down. Then, grab another sheet of paper and write only the first letters of each word in the verse. Fill in the blank until you can write the entire verse down without peeking. 

5. Read through the verse several times. 

Some people are auditory learners or prefer to talk out loud. Hearing it back may help you process and understand the verse. Start by saying 2-3 words at a time without looking at the verse. Repeat this process accordingly.  

6. Be consistent. 

Unless you have a photographic memory, you can’t look at a verse and instantly memorize it. Practice reciting the verse every day or on a consistent schedule. 

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