
6 Healthy Habits to Start This Month

You can set healthy habits any day, any week, any month of the year—these habits, can improve your overall mental health.

You can set healthy habits any day, any week, any month of the year—these habits, whether physical or mental, can improve your overall mental health. 

1. Move Your Body
Whenever you can! If a gym membership is too expensive, opt to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Find free fitness classes online by visiting YouTube. 

2. Stay Off Your Phone
When you feel bored, don’t instantly reach for your phone. Reach for a book, your homework, your dog … literally anything in order to stay off your phone. Instagram can wait.

3. Eat healthy, balanced meals. 
Incorporate healthy snacks throughout your day instead of reaching for the bag of chips—fruit and veggies are important and tasty!

4.  Take timely breaks throughout your day. 
When you feel yourself getting stressed or overwhelmed, that’s your body telling you to take a break; get some fresh air or do a chore around the house.

5. Drink one glass of water per day. 
Science has proven over and over that everyone should be drinking at least eight glasses a day (half a gallon usually works). Put a slice of lemon in it and you will stop reaching for that third cup of coffee. 

6. Be kind to others and yourself.
Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” 

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