
Podcast Reviews

Podcast reviews of The Lazy Genius, The Porch and The Big Fib. By Emaniel Brifil

“The Lazy Genius Podcast” is all about strategies that help you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t. It’s a fantastic podcast that has helped me streamlife my life in a lot of ways (check out her book!), but there are a couple of episodes in particular that go right along with our feature this month on rhythm and routine. Episode 138 is a pep talk on setting goals, by focusing on you and what you need, not what you think might be expected of you. Episode 191, Naming What Matters, asks three questions: What Could Matter? What Should Matter? What Matters Most? I found both of these episodes to be really helpful as I started to think about rhythm. Identifying what actually matters to me helped me get to a great starting point in creating a rhythm of life.

A common New Year’s Resolution for some people is to strengthen their faith. What does it look like to go deeper with God? “The Porch” includes weekly sermons from Watermark Community Church in Dallas. Episodes cover some of the common challenges of college students and young adults, or as others would say, people born in the late 1900s.  

Maybe it’s a Reel on IG or a clip from TikTok that really catches your attention. “The Big Fib” is a mixture of topics and guests discussing different things from episode to episode. Some are very insightful, others interesting and intriguing. You get to guess which guest is telling a lie.

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