
7 Tips To Be More Productive

Staying productive can be difficult—especially when feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated. Here are some habits to be more productive throughout your day.

Staying productive can be difficult—especially when feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated. Here are some habits you can set in place to be more productive throughout your day. 

1. Know your energy levels. 
Do you prefer to knock out your to-do list in the morning or at night? Find out what times of the day you accomplish the most tasks, and schedule accordingly. 

2. Write everything down. 
Include events, reminders and tasks in your calendar—print or digital. Sync these events from your email into your calendar. 

3. Write your list in the morning. 
Write everything you need to get done that day in the morning. Then, at the end of every week, make a brief weekly list of what you need to get done the next week. 

4. Try The Pomodoro Technique. 
You can’t knock out your to-do list in one day or one hour. Try the Pomodoro Technique, a popular time management method, where you can break your workday into time-specific chunks separated by five-minute breaks. 

5. Take Breaks.
It’s not healthy to “just keep pushing.”  Close your textbook or laptop and put away the flash cards. You’re not meant to live every moment studying and/or working. Take intentional breaks to let your mind rest. 

6. Set your “big three” goals. 
Write three tasks down that you must accomplish that day. Do you have a big exam this week to study for? Is that assignment that’s been on your list forever due tomorrow? These “big three” tasks help prioritize what needs to get done.  

7. Turn the distractions off. 
Turn everything off, turn your phone face down and concentrate on your task or studying at hand. (Pro tip: turn on an instrumental playlist to help you focus.)

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