God Behind Bars

Going through everyday motions of life can lead us to not always realize the things that we have. Many things are expected because that’s the way that it has always been or it’s the way we feel it should be. We’ve all made mistakes, but sometimes the slipups that we make can cost us a lot. This YouTube channel is unique for several reasons and is something that I believe teens and young adults should consider listening to as inmates inside of a prison share their testimonies, praises and experiences. Not only do you get an inside scoop about what life is like for them while in prison, but it also provides a spirit of community for people going through some rough moments. Well-known church leaders and musicians find themselves engaged in prison ministry across the country. This is an inspiring YouTube channel that I would encourage everyone to subscribe to.
Louder Than A Riot

Listening to certain songs can be detrimental to one’s perspective on life, personality regarding others and pursuit in following Jesus, but it can also help bring awareness and understanding to situations that one might be passionate about. This podcast uses hip-hop songs, artists and stories to talk about the correlation between the music and prison industry.
30 For 30

Sports have always been a thing that has brought people together. Some sports stories will linger to the end of time. This series gives insight on athletes and their story, famous sporting events that have taken place, along with non-sports figures who have made an impact in some way.