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Video Game Review: GreedFall

Greedfall is a bold undertaking and a clear torchbearer in the future of the role-playing genre. By John Beck
Web Exclusive, Zeitgeist

A breath of fresh air in an otherwise stagnating genre, “Greedfall” is a truly unique experience that draws inspiration from the Colonial era and combines fantasy elements for the natives to deliver a fantastic narrative. You will begin the game in the Old World in Serene, then hail from the upper aristocracy and travel to the New World to serve as the diplomatic representative of the Congregation of Merchants. In addition to the Old World Colonial powers, you will encounter large beasts on the island and interact with Natives that have their own set of morals and political objectives that differ from tribe to tribe.

“Greedfall” brings in a new world with its own lore that is vast. Do not rush through your opening sequence for it serves as your introduction to the factions and some of the base mechanics of the game. The game exceeded my expectations of the political position you do hold, and the weight of your decisions and the composition of your party will affect how you are perceived in the world.

The game does, of course, have bugs and will need some patchwork before too long. This should be expected on a new game and scale that “Greedfall” delivers. The biggest immersion-breaking element of the game is the lack of variety in structures. The matte shots of the cities are unique, and you can see the difference, however, actually entering structures shows that the interiors are obviously similar.

Overall, the game is stunning and ensnaring! You will have a fantastic time playing this game, even though it has clear faults, I give the game a 5/5. It is a bold undertaking and a clear torchbearer in the future of the role-playing genre. Pick up this undervalued game for $50 and experience the brilliance that is “Greedfall.”

5-5 stars review@4x

Peer Rating: 5/5

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