
#TheMoment: What Are You Most Thankful For?

This month, Peers around the nation recognize all of the blessings that we may normally take for granted.

Between fighting over who gets the turkey leg, stuffing ourselves with Grandma’s prized stuffing recipe or gorging ourselves on world-famous pumpkin pie … there’s something special about this turkey holiday. We recognize all of the things we are thankful for and all of the blessings that we may normally take for granted.

“I am thankful for a quick recovery of an Achilles rupture surgery while having a newborn. God is good all the time!”

Niuris, 29
Miami Lakes, FL

“I’m most thankful for all the special people in my life. I’m so thankful for my younger siblings and all the kids I get to teach. I’m thankful for all the things that make my life great.”

Kamella, 21
Indianapolis, IN

“I am thankful for everything that I have including my sister Olivia, my other friends and family. They mean so much to me. I’m grateful that I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I am glad that I have a bunch of people that care about me and support me. I love you Olivia, Joanne and many more.”

Alexa, 18
Hollsopple, PA

“I’m just thankful for being alive. Plus, extremely thankful for finding out who I am as a person.”

Austin, 24
Waukesha, WI

“I am thankful for people who love me and who make me laugh.”

Amber, 29
Santa Barbara, CA

“I am very grateful for my family and friends, and also for warm meals, clothing on my back and for all the love that I am giving.”

Lauryn, 28
Gosnell, AR

Want to share your moment with Peer? Get featured in our magazine by submitting your answer to the current prompt at peermag.org/themoment.

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