
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse”

Micah Trimmer Reviews “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” By Micah Trimmer
“Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse”

Rating: PG
Platform: Disney+

Miles Morales has just begun to get the swing of being Spider-Man when the reappearance of an old friend sends him spiraling across a colorful multiverse of arachnid heroes. I cannot stress how happy I am with “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.” I absolutely adored the first film when it was released in theaters, and I was worried that the extended development and the trend of disappointing modern sequels would lead to a film that failed to impress. Thankfully, my fears were for naught: Lord and Miller have delivered again with solid character work, storytelling and animation that are even better than their predecessor. While the film unfortunately contains more language than the first, it isn’t enough to bring down the experience for me. (Unlike Disney’s modern Marvel films.) Each of the central characters (Miles, Gwen and Miquel) feel like actual people making decisions based upon where they are in life and what they have experienced. 

Eventually, the question is raised: is it worth it to save a person that you love and risk destruction or let one person die to ensure the salvation of an entire world? In the film (and life) that is a very complicated issue, but to God, it was a no brainer. He sacrificed His Son to offer life to the human race. Jesus willingly chose death to save those that would believe in Him, and that makes all the difference. 

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