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Ask an Officer

Why is it important to read my Bible every day?

"Reading the Bible is how you experience the most fulfilling relationship with Jesus."
Ask an Officer

In my teen years, I had ample opportunity and encouragement to read my Bible daily. The problem was that I didn’t make a habit of it. I wish I’d decided sooner to get into the Word so the Word would get into ME. Looking back, I realize I forfeited some years of getting to know who God is, of experiencing the light of His Word as I walked through shadowy times and of building up my faith. Thanks to the grace of God, a day came when I felt in my heart that I needed to get serious and choose whether I was going to grow up in Jesus or if I was going to remain in a spiritually insecure place. 

The first step I took to commit myself to Jesus was to blow the dust off my Bible to discover Who He is, gain instruction for living a holy life and leverage the power of God’s Word to overcome any temptation that would cause me to become disobedient. Reading the Bible is how you experience the most fulfilling relationship with Jesus. 

Major Sarah Nelson, Alexandria, VA 

What can I say to my friend who is considering leaving Christianity?

If you have a friend who is considering leaving Christianity, the first thing you should do is to offer a listening ear. You can’t begin to understand what this friend is going through unless you take the time to listen and hear about why they are considering this decision. Your goal in conversation at that moment is not to persuade, but to let your friend know that you are with them and remind them that many others also have moments of struggle in their faith and belief. Remind them that they are not alone in this. 

John 16:33 (NIV) says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus is saying here that even though hardship and difficulties may come, we should hold steadfast to His truth because He has victory in every situation, no matter how big or small. 

Finally, pray with them. Pray for their spiritual walk and for the strength to overcome. Pray that they will feel the peace and love of God wash over them in this season that they’re walking through. As His Word says, the world and all its desires are temporary, but the one who holds steadfast to the truth and will of God lives forever. 

Lt. Shania Mhasvi, Atlanta, GA 

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