Podcast Reviews
Emaniel Brifil reviews of Bought + Beloved with Kirby Kelly, The Hour of Holiness and Pop Culture Happy Hour.
Kirby is an influencer who shares what God is doing in her life, known for being a light on social media and her YouTube channel. If you’re looking for an energetic voice who is passionate about the Word of God, then look no further than this podcast. She intertwines God’s Word with her personal life and aims “to inspire, encourage, and provide joy to all who stumble upon it.” You will be on the edge of your seat listening to her share her testimony, conversations with special guest and answering questions that are posed to her on Instagram. It’s a podcast for everyone, but she wants to see young people walk in a sense of freedom that can only be granted by God. An episode that has helped me with my spiritual journey was released in January 2022 titled, “What Are Spiritual Disciplines?”

Holiness—people tend to compare it to this unattainable status in following Jesus. Dr. William Ury shares practical messages each week for those who are wanting to go deeper in their walk with God. As we celebrate Easter this month, what does it look like for us to be more and more like Him?

You ever sit at a table with conversations going on and you’re just completely clueless? I think we’ve all been there, done that. This podcast gives you the latest updates on just about everything in the world of entertainment and personal hobbies. Each of the hosts and the various guests bring a new perspective that could help you speak up when you’re at the table.