Oxen Training 101
“Jesus invites you to share your burden with Him. You no longer need to carry it on your own.”Jesus told excellent stories based on lives of the people in that time to make spiritual truths easy to understand. For those of us living in this century, we often need more context to ensure we don’t miss Jesus’ point! For example, when was the last time you worked with a team of oxen? How much do you know about the first-century yoke system for oxen?

Take a look at Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV): “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
When Jesus said this, He was teaching and preaching among the towns of Galilee. Perhaps the listening crowd could see a team of oxen at work in a field nearby, and Jesus used it as a visual illustration. Everyone in that agricultural community knew about oxen so the meaning was clear.
A young ox receives its training by being yoked together with an older, experienced ox. A yoke is the wooden double harness that connects two oxen together at their necks so that they can work as one powerful unit. When the older, wiser ox turns his head to the right, the younger ox must turn its head to the right as well. When the more experienced ox stops, the younger ox must stop as well. Eventually, the younger ox learns from the experienced ox and becomes wise enough to work on a team with another beginner. Here are four lessons that we can learn from this story.
Together is better. The powerful ox can trudge along all alone and carry large burdens. But take the same burden and split it between two oxen, and the burden becomes at least 50 percent lighter! Jesus invites you to share your burden with Him. You no longer need to carry it on your own.
It reduces your anxiety about decisions. For the young ox, everything is new and learning how to navigate every situation feels stressful. Staying connected to Jesus allows you to learn from Him—to watch His every move so that you can learn what matters most to Jesus. What is important to Jesus? What does He notice? What makes Him stop? What makes Him run faster? By paying attention to Jesus so closely, you’ll start to learn how to respond like Jesus. Instead of wondering what you should do in a situation, you’ll start to think, “I remember how Jesus handled something like this,” and your next step will become clear.
Jesus, the gentle trainer. No one wants to train with an arrogant bully or a screaming drill sergeant for very long. In the competition for best long-term companion, Jesus wins. He offers a gentle and easy training program and promises to stick with you forever (Matthew 28:20), to replace your heavy burden with His lighter load, and He even humbles Himself enough to wash your feet. Then He leans in and says, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14, NIV).
Get started! Pay attention to how Jesus lives. Look closely at what He loves, whom He helps, what He values, what He dislikes. Grab a Bible and read one of the gospels and pay close attention to what Jesus does. Invite Him to walk alongside you and show you His ways.

Daily Readings
Week 1
- April 1: Matthew 11:28-30
- April 2: Psalm 55:22
- April 3: 1 Peter 5:7
- April 4: John 14:15-17
- April 5: Isaiah 43:5
- April 6: Reread Matthew 11:28-30
Week 2
- April 7: Ephesians 3:16-17a
- April 8: Ephesians 3:17b-18
- April 9: Ephesians 5:1-2
- April 10: Matthew 18:1-5, 10-14
- April 11: John 8:2-11
- April 12: Matthew 12:9-13
- April 13: Mark 1:40-42
Week 3
- April 14: Luke 5:29-32
- April 15: Luke 8:1-3
- April 16: Luke 9:46-48
- April 17: Luke 10:30-37
- April 18: Luke 10:38-42
- April 19: Luke 11:1-4
- April 20: Luke 11:5-10
Week 4
- April 21: Luke 11:11-13
- April 22: Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16
- April 23: John 17:20-26
- April 24: Luke 12:22-26
- April 25: Luke 12:27-31
- April 26: Luke 15:1-7
- April 27: Luke 18:35-42
Week 5
- April 28: John 13:3-5, 12-14
- April 29: John 13:14-17
- April 30: Matthew 28:16-20