A great tagline or motto will remind you of a brand instantly. “Just do it.” “The happiest place on Earth.” “Breakfast of Champions.” “Doing the Most Good.” Mottos shape brands, keeping them on mission. They tell a story.
Mottos aren’t just for businesses, but also for individuals. My mom had several mottos for us: “Remember Whose you are.” “Garbage in, garbage out.” “If it’s not in your heart, it can’t come out of your mouth.” That last one was reserved for my sassier moments. These mottos were meant to remind me of my identity in Christ and to pay attention to what I was allowing to influence me.
If you’ve read my past editorials, you’ll know that I love to plan. “Have a plan, work the plan” is one of my life mottos. I’ve been known to say to my kids, “An organized binder is an organized life,” usually when they can’t find some assignment they’re looking for. It’s lame, but it’s true. “Keep your eyes on Jesus,” is my reminder to refocus when distractions threaten to pull me from what matters most.
Mottos can help stay on track with your goals and remind you of what’s important. The messages we tell ourselves have a profound effect on our actions and how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. They give us direction and can shape our thoughts and behaviors. They can also tell others a story about who we are and what we value.
Romans 12:2a tells us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” In essence, Paul is saying that we shouldn’t be shaped by the mottos of the world; instead, by keeping our eyes on Jesus and changing our mottos to reflect Him, our lives can be transformed. Our priorities shift and our behaviors change.
Conforming to the pattern of the world will get you nowhere, or at least nowhere of eternal value. But when you allow yourself to be changed by the power of God and the power of His Word, you can begin to live a life of transformation.
What are the messages you’re telling yourself? What are the mottos of society and culture that you’re allowing to shape you? Evaluate what messages you’re giving priority to in your life. Keep your eyes on Jesus and ask Him to help change the way you think.