No one anticipates health concerns derailing their lives, let alone in high school. Unfortunately, that’s exactly where Hannah found herself during her senior year of high school. She was physically ill and afraid.

Hannah grew up in a multi-generational home with her brother, parents and grandparents, with whom she is very close; they, along with extended family, are a source of strength in her life. Hannah’s family attended church at The Salvation Army together; this community of faith had a huge impact on her.

When Hannah was in elementary school, her dad had a heart attack. This tipped Hannah’s world, and she began to study the Bible as a way to navigate this crisis. This spurred Hannah’s spiritual walk with God. Her dad recovered and Hannah praises God for his recovery.

Soon after, Hannah moved to a new school, which presented a new set of challenges. Hannah longed for a friend group, to fit in and be liked, but felt lonely and lost. This experience drove her to get more involved at church. Hannah found her place there, surrounded by friends and a church family that loved her. When she was at the corps (church), she felt spiritually grounded, but school continued to be a place of loneliness.

As it often does, this feeling of loneliness led Hannah to look for love and acceptance by trying to be someone she wasn’t. She began spending less time with God and this continued into high school. But like so many years ago, a health crisis brought Hannah back into a full relationship with Jesus. When she got sick, she visited doctors and specialists frequently. Despite the myriad of tests, there were no answers. This was the source of much anxiety in her life. Why was this happening? Would her life always be this way?

This despair led Hannah to writing prayers as letters to God. These letters were raw and honest, chronicling her challenges and fears, asking God for relief and rest. While she seemed to grow weaker physically, her faith was strengthened. These letters of prayer, and Bible study, formed deep spiritual roots in Hannah’s life. Hannah went to Korea, where her family is from, to meet with doctors there. Eventually, the treatments began to take effect and Hannah grew stronger.

Today, Hannah has fully recovered from these health challenges and continues to grow in faith. Majoring in psychology at university, Hannah is dedicated to her community.