I’m moving away from my friends. How do I adjust to a new town and make new friends?
"We are always in God’s powerful, mighty, strong, graceful, forgiving, loving, merciful, healing and faithful hands."As officers (pastors), we have opportunities to be moved from appointment to appointment within our years of officership. My husband and I truly believe that it is always God’s plan, God’s timing and His way for our lives. We fully trust in Him for everything even in those moments where we might be unsure about His calling, where He sends us, why He sends us and for the future. Even though it is hard to say our goodbyes, we know that His way is always the best. That is when we need to fully trust in Him. As soon as we find out when we are moving, we always start by thanking God for His many blessings in our current appointments, pray for His wisdom and guidance for the future and we look forward to what He has in store for us.
In every appointment and in every move, there are so many wonderful people to meet, new friends to make, unfamiliar places to see and visit and new challenges. We are constantly reminding ourselves that we are always in God’s powerful, mighty, strong, graceful, forgiving, loving, merciful, healing and faithful hands. “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV).