“I Am Groot: Season 2” is a Comedic Delight
Comprised of five short films, season two of “I Am Groot” is a delightful watch for all ages.While I may be pretty critical of the recent Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) projects, I have to give credit where it’s due. Comprised of five short films, season two of “I Am Groot” is a delightful watch for all ages. If you are looking for expanded MCU lore or progress towards the next big event, this is not going to fit your criteria. There aren’t any character development, personal revelations or central story beats or heartfelt timeless lesson. Put simply, this is a series of short comedic glimpses into the life of Baby Groot. No more, no less.
With that said, I’ve had tons of fun during its short airtime. Every episode is cute and clever, often employing quick situational subversions to great effect. If I were to glean any meaning or message from the series, it would be to celebrate the little things that make life much more special. The mundane or ordinary can be fantastic with some perspective. New smells, having fun in the snow, trying to buy an ice cream, all these things can be overlooked.
We may live in a fallen world, but in the beginning, “…God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good” (Genesis 1:31a). I believe that we can still find His goodness and sacred grace in the little things.