Ask an Officer

How to Trust God and Let Go of Fear

God who is stronger than anything the enemy may throw your way. By Lt. Abby Milner
Ask an Officer

The Bible says “do not be afraid” many times, but I struggle with fear. How can I work to trust God and let go of that fear?

I have struggled with anxiety and fear my entire life. I went through a very difficult time as a young adult where I leaned on worldly things and substances, which resulted in addiction. I couldn’t figure out how to escape the anxiety that weighed on me. Thankfully, in my adulthood, I have learned to lean on the Lord when these emotions overcome me. Philippians 4:6-7 has become a life verse for me. 

God promises peace that will overcome us instead of fear; a peace that will  guard our hearts to be more in tune with Christ and to find our “remedy” in Him and not in this world. We all have situations where anxiety and fear may overcome us. It may be the thought of going to college or making sure the people we associate with are the “right” people. It may even be a struggle with substances.

Whatever it may be, put your trust in Him and know that even on your worst days, you have a mighty God who is stronger than anything the enemy may throw your way. 

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