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Ask an Officer

How Can I Surrender My Will to God’s Will?

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Ask an Officer

When I was 13 years old, my parents caught me with a pack of cigarettes. I used to think surrendering my will to God would feel something like that moment. But over time, I realized that it was more like having a piece of a puzzle and never finding the right spot for it. I tried sports, music, academics and other things. I finally stopped those things and began to take Christianity more seriously. It was then I found that God didn’t want to get rid of my will as if it was a sin, but wanted to use my will because He created it as a gift for me, so I could be a part of something greater. Even today, I’m learning where my will fits in what God is creating by praying, reading the Bible, and being with others trying to find out where they fit. Frederick Coutts, the eighth General of The Salvation Army, said, “The grace of God will not cramp the style of any of our natural gifts.” Your will is a gift from God. Surrender it by using it to be like Him. 

Captain Scott Swires, New York, NY

How Can I Forgive Those Who Hurt Me? 

You can forgive those who hurt you by knowing that if you don’t forgive, you will live in the hurt they caused you for the rest of your life. Forgiving them will free you from that and will release that control they have over you. Those who caused the hurt have most likely moved on and forgotten about it, so why should you torture yourself by holding onto the hurt? Although it can be powerful, you have no obligation to tell the people who hurt you that you have forgiven them in your heart. It is between you and God. Forgiving others is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32, NIV). 

Captain Ingrid Ljungholm, Alexandria, VA

It’s my freshman year of college. How do I make new friends? 

Attending college is a remarkable adventure. Regardless of whether you’re outgoing or reserved, it’s important to prioritize building connections with others. Take the initiative to meet new people by actively participating in campus events, clubs and activities that resonate with you and your interests. Most campuses have Bible studies or Christian organizations that focus on community service.  These groups provide ways to keep you connected with your faith, while allowing you to meet other Christians too. 

Remember that you are amazing, so be yourself! Be authentic and genuine with people so that they can truly get to know the real you. Your authenticity will lead like-minded people with shared interests and values toward you, and that will lead to deeper relationships, more meaningful friendships, and a stronger support system for you. Remember that friendships require time to grow, so be patient and trust that God will bring you the perfect friends for this new season of life. 

Colonel Sue Betts, Alexandria, VA

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