Five Free Activities to Survive Social Distancing
Tired of the same 'ole, same 'ole every day? Try some of these great ideas during this time of #socialdistancing.Got some free times on your hands? With school being let out for a few weeks and in some cases being closed for the rest of the year, we imagine you are going a little stir crazy and looking for activities to help you survive social distancing during these uncertain times. Being a young adult is hard enough as it is but add in social distancing—how are you supposed to pass the time and keep up with friends?! Luckily, there is no shortage of free, virtual experiences and classes to experience.
Here are five free activities to help survive and pass the time during social distancing:

1. Take an Online Class
I don’t know about you, but there are so many times I talk about picking up a new hobby or learning a new skill. Life gets busy and a lot of times, the things we really want to do get pushed to the side. Think of a skill or hobby you’ve been wanting to try and find a class online. There are a lot of companies and universities offering free classes. Yale University is offering its popular class, “The Science of Well-Being.” Skillshare is a subscription-based service but they offer a variety of free courses: “Create a Perfect Morning Routine,” “How to Make Perfect Thin Crust Pizza” or “Watercolor Painting” just to name a few.
2. Watch a Movie With Your Friends
Netflix has teamed up with Google Chrome to make it possible for you to watch your favorite movies and shows with your friends—introducing Netflix Party! It adds a group chat to your favorite Netflix shows so you don’t have to watch alone.
3. Get Outside
With stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders happening across the U.S. during this pandemic, there is one thing that almost anyone can still do: go outside. While you should abide by mandates from your state and local authorities, getting a little fresh air and exercise is not only good for your physical health but also your mental health. Just be sure to practice social distancing.

4. Learn a New Dance on Tik Tok or Better Yet, Teach Your Parents
I know Tik Tok has mostly been used by Generation Z and celebrities. With the nation mostly all at home during this time, there has no doubt been an increase of millennials using the app. But my favorite trend that I have noticed is teens teaching their parents the dances. Not only will you probably get some good laughs and memories out of it, but also a bit of exercise teaching the choreography to your parents.
5. Learn a New Language
Is there a place you would like to travel at some point in your life once this is all over? This time offers a unique opportunity to expand your language skills. There are many companies who are offering their services free during this outbreak. Rosetta Stone and Babbel are both offering free access to their platforms for the next three months to K-12 students who are now homeschooling.
However you choose to pass the time while social distancing, we do know these times are difficult. But remember, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1). As we face the global pandemic of COVID-19, you may be feeling isolated, afraid or even uncertain of what the future holds—but you’re not alone. God is ready to help!
If you haven’t already, check out our 9-part article series focused on what you may be feeling during this time, at peermag.org.