EXTRA-ordinary Patterns
Whether you’re a guy or girl, you can find the perfect sweater to wear with jeans, leggings and even sweatpants.This might not resonate with all of you, but I love wearing something that people see and question my decision to wear it. Wearing patterns that most wouldn’t consider wearing or colors that aren’t the “norm” are a few of my favorite things about clothes.

Salvation Army thrift stores are the perfect launching pad for finding pieces that nobody else in their right mind would dare try on. And since Salvation Army thrift stores have fabulous prices—if something ends up not working out for you after taking a risk, you didn’t waste a whole paycheck on it! I like the sound of that—feeling free to try things out of your comfort zone without too much cost to you, only to hopefully feel comfortable and confident in your own skin!

I would love it if that the next time you stepped into a Salvation Army thrift store, you looked specifically for crazy patterns, colors or items not so “trendy”—and make it trendy! Because you do you.

To find out what crazy patterns Abigail bought at a Salvation Army thrift store, be sure to check out her video on Peer’s YouTube channel. Like and subscribe today!