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Embracing Your Worth

“Your worth is not determined by the shape of your body or the number on a scale.” By Ashley Bohinc

When I was a soccer player at college, I thrived in the fast-paced world of athletic competition. But even amidst the exhilaration and camaraderie, a silent struggle consumed my mind: the battle with how I viewed my body size. 

I vividly remember the anxiety I felt every time each member of my team had to weigh ourselves before and after every practice—in front of everyone. It was a moment filled with apprehension and self-doubt, as if our worth as athletes was solely determined by the number on that scale. Even though the intention was to monitor how much water weight we lost during practice to keep us hydrated, something about having my pounds on display made me feel shame. 

This experience is not unique to me. It is a reality faced by countless male and female young individuals who are bombarded by impossible standards of perfection. We live in a world where social media magnifies the pressure to present an idealized image of ourselves, filtered and edited to fit a narrow definition of beauty. Every flaw becomes amplified, every imperfection scrutinized. It’s an exhausting pursuit of an unattainable ideal.

A study conducted by the National Library of Medicine in 2021 found that increased exposure to idealized body images on social media was associated with higher levels of diminished self-esteem, body dissatisfaction and disordered eating habits. Social media platforms, in particular, expose young people to an influx of digitally enhanced photos and unrealistic ideals. 

The shape of your body or the number on a scale does not determine your worth. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, created with unique strengths and talents that surpass the boundaries of physical appearance. It’s crucial to recognize that your body—made in the perfect image of God—does not conform to a singular mold. We are a tapestry of shapes, sizes and unique features, and that diversity must be treasured. Our bodies are vessels of strength, allowing us to dance, run, create and love. They should be celebrated, not despised. Your value lies not in pursuing a worldly standard of beauty but in the essence of who you are: your character, your passions, your contributions to the world and most of all, the very image of God.

But how do we navigate this journey of self-love and banish the suffocating grip of societal expectations? 

Encouragement, my friends, is the key. A study by Neff and McGehee in 2022 revealed that individuals who received praise and support from their peers and loved ones were likelier to have a positive body image. Simple acts of kindness and words of affirmation can go a long way in boosting one’s self-esteem and fostering a healthy relationship with one’s body. 

Sometimes, the path toward body acceptance and self-love can be daunting. It requires us to challenge societal norms, unlearn negative thought patterns and surround ourselves with positivity. 

Daily Practices and Reminders

Changing the narrative around body image starts with recognizing the power of our words and actions. Let us reject the damaging notion that our outward appearance defines our worth. Instead, let us celebrate the strength, resilience and diversity within ourselves and our community. Let us uplift one another, embracing the beauty in our differences and affirming our intrinsic worth.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that true beauty comes from within. Take the time to nourish your mind, body and soul. Cultivate healthy habits that prioritize self-care and well-being. Practice positive affirmations and gratitude for all your body can do rather than focusing on its shortcomings.

Lastly, I want to encourage you to be kind to yourself. You deserve love and acceptance. No one is perfect, and that’s what makes us beautifully human. Embrace your individuality and celebrate your journey towards self-acceptance. Remember, the world needs you—your unique voice, your remarkable talents—far more than it needs another cookie-cutter image of beauty. 

  • Seek out media and influencers that promote body positivity and inclusivity. 
  • Engage in conversations that challenge unrealistic beauty standards. 
  • Take breaks from social media to reduce exposure to unrealistic beauty standards and focus on your unique qualities.
  • Replace negative self-talk with affirming and compassionate statements. Appreciate the amazing qualities that make you who you are.
  • Surround yourself with friends who celebrate and support one another’s uniqueness.

Encouragement For You 

To anyone reading this, know that you are not alone. The pressures you face are real, but so is your power to rise above them. The size of your waist or the width of your shoulders does not determine your worth. Your worth lies in your kindness, your intelligence, your passions and the love you radiate. Embrace your imperfections, for they are what make you uniquely beautiful.

In a world that profits from our insecurities, let Gen Z be the generation that breaks free from the chains of body obsession. Let’s redefine beauty and encourage one another to love and embrace ourselves just as we are.

For Further Study


  • The Body Image Podcast by Corinne Dobbas


  • Body. Beauty. Boys: The Truth About Girls and How We See Ourselves by Sarah Bragg
  • Living With Your Body & Other Things You Hate: How to Let Go of Your Struggle with Body Image Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Emily Sandoz, PhD, and Troy DuFrene
  • More Than A Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not an Ornament by Lindsay Kite, PhD, and Lexie Kite, PhD
  • The Art of Body Acceptance by Ashlee Bennett 

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