How Do I Discern & Hear the Voice of God?
Ask an officer anything. An officer in The Salvation Army is an ordained minister of Christian faith.
How do I discern and hear the voice of God?
I have thought so many times that it would be great if I could, with my own ears, hear God speak. And God has chosen to speak audibly with His children, however, this has not been my experience. For some, God speaks through music and through His creation/nature. God often uses us to speak into each other’s lives. God chooses to speak to us in many different ways, but so does the world. Sometimes, the “world’s” voice is so much louder. So, how do I discern the Voice of God from the voice of the “world”? I discern the Voice of God through His Word. 2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV) says that, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” When we read, meditate on and study Scripture “breathed out by God,” He speaks to us! Then later, when we are faced with a choice, find a blessing or feel stuck by a challenging circumstance, we recall the Scripture “breathed out by God” that teaches, convicts, corrects and trains us in righteousness. If you are having trouble discerning the Voice of God, open your Bible and dive in! I have this dream for my life. How do I achieve it?
Captain Kelly Hanton
Chicago, IL
I have this dream for my life. How do I achieve it?
If you have a dream for your life, spend time in prayer and planning. Continually bring your dreams, cares and concerns to God. Ask for wisdom. Continually ask God to examine your heart, your mind and your motives. Then make a plan. What will it take to achieve your dream? If you don’t know, ask people that do and then commit to working toward that goal.
Captain Josh Hinson
Atlanta, GA
I often hear that “the youth is the future,” sometimes from the same people that call millennials and Gen Z entitled and whiny. What strengths do you think these generations have to offer?
In my opinion, some of the strengths the millennials and Gen Z offer are determination, they need proof of validity, they need to be connected most of the time, open to new ideas/change and very receptive to sensitive topics.
Captain Nydia Martinez
Youth are determined in many areas and some are even trying to fix the mistakes of previous generations. They need an explanation for every rule or proof of validity especially if the rules are not clear or they don’t agree with them. This also carries over to the realm of faith.
They also have a need to be connected (busy) most of the time and technology has made it easy to facilitate quick connections and communications. They are open to new ideas (change), they are receptive to sensitive topics such racial and ethnic tensions, political views, etc. God can use all of these characteristics to grow His Kingdom here on earth—the older generations just needs to guide them with patience and love.
Syracuse, NY
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church.
An officer in The Salvation Army is an ordained minister of Christian faith. They dedicate their lives, skills and service completely to God. Submit your question to an officer at