
Happy & Healthy with Jeanine Amapola

Emaniel Brifil reviews Happy & Healthy with Jeanine Amapola, I’m Tired, and Pop Cultured with theSkimm. By Emaniel Brifil
Happy & Healthy with Jeanine Amapola

Social media may take you down a rabbit hole that you wish you never would fall into. Other times, it takes you to exactly what you need to experience. YouTubers sometimes get a bad reputation for the content they share, but Jeanine is one of the best.  

She brings attention to everyday experiences that many of us encounter and provides sound advice to a happier and healthier lifestyle. No topic is too small or too big for her and a guest to speak about. Some episodes are on self-care, dating, sex before marriage, relationships, life lessons and so much more. Even if you’re not a Christian, this is a podcast that pushes you to think critically about the choices that you make and how you live out your life.

I’m Tired

I’m Tired

Grace Valentine understands that life is very challenging and knows how drained we all can get from it. This podcast (recently rebranded to “Water Into Wine”) is for the person who is wanting to give up because of the constant struggles. You’re not alone. Grace and her guests share tips on how to go through life with all that we experience.

Pop Cultured with theSkimm

Pop Cultured with theSkimm

The world we live in is heavily influenced by pop culture. We all have our own social lives to process daily and  it’s not always easy to keep up with the latest stories. This podcast will keep you in the loop of some of the stuff you might see on your social media news feeds.

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