Bible Study


Life’s busy and we want to help you make reading the Bible a priority. The Bible is full of rich wisdom and helps us know the heart of God.

By Your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. 
(Psalm 119:105, The Message)

So, why procrastinate? Here’s a great way to get you started. Written by Justin and Courtney Rose, Deeper helps our heart focus on what God has to say in His Word.

Explore the latest Deeper posts:


June 2022: Sit Down, Be Humble

Since when did we believe the lie that humility equals weakness? Not so! Humility is making the intentional decision to think of yourself less, to demand your way less.


May 2022: Culture Conformed

The verse in Romans commands us to not be conformed, not to be shaped by the wicked culture we see around us.


April 2022: Why God?

God gave man the ability to choose how he lives. Even if that means that man will use that freedom to better himself and exploit another? Yes.


March 2022: A Poisonous Habit

“When we look lustfully at anyone, we diminish the very image of God in them.”


February 2022: Unwholesome Talk

At the End, we’re going to have to give Him an account for all the shots we fired. So let us set a guard on our mouth.


January 2022: Eyes Wide Open

Once we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and what He did for us on the cross and in His resurrection, we are woken up!


December 2021: Is God A Vending Machine?

Let God, through Jesus, soften your heart today. Let Him shape you and mold you and in this we will see what His abundant life is truly about.


November 2021: You’re Not The Judge

When we judge, assume or generalize things about people with a “I’m better than you” attitude, we deserve to be judged in that same manner.


October 2021: Hold Up, What Does That Actually Mean?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


September 2021: That Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

Philippians 4:11-13 explains to us that whatever the circumstances, Jesus in us has made us content and satisfied in Him.


June 2021: Why Pray?

If you are struggling in your faith, perhaps simply praying or meditating on Jesus’s words in the Lord’s Prayer might be a helpful starting place.


May 2021: Money Eyes

Jesus desires single-minded devotion to Him, and therefore demands single-minded actions of generosity from His followers.


April 2021: Samson and The Lion

We have a God who fights on our behalf and who breathes the Holy Spirit upon us if we ask.


March 2021: Preparing The Way

If we look carefully, we will notice that the chapters that take place during Holy Week are filled mostly with Jesus’s teachings and parables.


February 2021: Women of the Old Testament

If we look carefully at the beginning of the story of Moses, we will see that the story of salvation in the book of Exodus starts before the calling of Moses with a group of faithful women.


Janaury 2021: The Bread of Life

No one really knew where they were going or where they would end up, but the people chose to have faith and follow God through the Red Sea into the wilderness.


December 2020: Wonder

Advent is meant to be a time of waiting, anticipation and hope, but it is also a time of contemplation, preparation and awakening to wonder.


November 2020: Salt of the Earth

Discipleship to Christ is also a life of devotion and commitment to the things God has called us to.


October 2020: Shift Your Perspectives

Maybe we need to set aside our biases and view Scripture with a different lens in order to see all of the faithful ones of God.


September 2020: Sinful Prejudices

“We need stories like this to remind us of the powerful authority that comes from God and the authority given to His appointed leaders.”


August 2020: A New Normal In Nehemiah

Something about this story in the book of Nehemiah gives us permission to respectfully let go of aspects of the past and move forward into something new.


July 2020: Chasing The Hustle

The word used for “work” also means “to serve.” This word is used throughout the Old Testament to talk about our relationship with God.


June 2020: Wrestling With God

Each and every day, as Jacob walked with a limp, he could remember the things God had done in his life. Each step could have reminded him of his changed life.


May 2020: The Silent Saint

Simon does not complain about carrying a His cross, nor does he complains that he doesn’t know who Jesus is.


April 2020: Outsiders – Our People

The outsiders had the perspective needed to truly see what Jesus’s mission in the world was.


March 2020: Intentional Conversations

Jesus shows that women are capable of critical theological engagement of the Gospel.


February 2020: The Proverbs 31 “Woman”

The woman is a character presented at the end of the book of Proverbs who has her life completely put together.


January 2020: Only God Can Judge Me

Although morality, there is an absolute truth and way of holy living laid out by Jesus in the Gospels.


December 2019: Turn The Other Cheek

Jesus encourages us to find creative, active and nonviolent ways to assert our humanity and show others God’s love.


November 2019: Bald Prophets and Bears

We often quote the blessings of obedience to God, but forget the curses promised to those who reject obedience.


October 2019: The Beauty of Holiness

Not by our own strength do we have the opportunity to experience holiness, because God is holy.


September 2019: Worship That Lingers

There is a story that takes place in all four gospels about a woman who pours perfume on Jesus’ feet.


August 2019: Spontaneous Worship

Justin and Courtney help us aim to be people who are led by the Spirit and who worship the Lord in truth.


July 2019: When Idols Creep In

God once used idols our good, but they could now hinder us from a true and full understanding of Him.


June 2019: Redefining “Masterpiece”

When Jesus saves us, we are saved into a community of Christ and the body of redeemed believers.


May 2019: There’s More to Hell

Put our confidence in God alone who grants justice and draws the outcast into the community as beloved.


April 2019: Women With a Mission

The world does not believe the poor and lowly, but Jesus continues to appear to entrust, validate, and believe them.


March 2019: Who Do You Hang With?

We befriend the friendless, love the difficult and see the unseen because Jesus calls us to.


February 2019: Redefined Prayer

Prayer can take many forms. Jesus even taught us to pray in a similar format when He gave us the Lord’s Prayer.


January 2019: New Year, New You

Every new year, we hear about the importance of making resolutions, but what about the people that have already been made new in Christ?