Why Creativity Matters to Christians
Our creativity is not ours to keep or to hide away. It belongs to the Lord and is to be used for the Lord.Pause to think about the most creative person you know. Have someone in mind? What makes them creative? Is it their passion? Are they gifted? Do they encourage you?
Being creative or expressing creativity goes beyond a painting, a dance, a song or a poem. Creativity is an expression of passion, an expression of showcasing a deep desire for emotion. Our creativity is not intended to show what we can do but show what the Lord can do through us.
Why is Creativity Important?
… whether someone is naturally a creative person or not?
Creativity comes in many forms. Creativity seeks to challenge one to go beyond the limits and boundaries. It dares to stand against the standard of everyday norms. As a product of God’s creativity, we become living testimonies to the fact that our Heavenly Father is still at work.
Creativity lives inside each soul whether we acknowledge it or not. Our creativity matters to the Lord and reminds us of the freedom that lies in the expression of our creation. In our culture today, it appears the product has more worth than the process. When we engage and immerse ourselves in the process of the creation, we will see the value of God at work. The question becomes whether you are willing to go outside the lines. Are you willing to disrupt what has become comfortable to unleash a new expression of your soul?
Why Should Creativity Matter to Christians?
… especially young Christians strengthening their faith?
Why do you create? Who do you create for? As believers, the “why” and “who” are one. We create to glorify the God who created us. We must acknowledge that we are vessels of Christ seeking to preach the gospel by any means. Whether that is from behind the pulpit, behind a canvas, or through poetry. The outward expression of our creativity is an instrument of worship. Our creativity is not ours to keep or to hide away. It belongs to the Lord and is to be used for the Lord.
The Word of God is enough. But for some, it may be hard to understand. Our creativity can be a means to help someone understand the Word. Highlighting keywords or verses and emphasizing them through colors or movements invites our bodies, souls and minds to be challenged in experiencing the Bible in a different light. Through our creativity, we have an opportunity to inspire others to encounter Christ through creative outlets (dance, spoken word, poetry, art, painting, etc.).
When you look at a stained glass window, there are various colors and many times it seems hard to grasp what purpose the colors serve. But once the light hits, the colors collide to become a full spectrum of what we imagine it to be: a masterpiece. We are God’s masterpiece. Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Creativity in The Bible
Our creativity reflects the ultimate Creator. Christ does not seek perfect art but perfect intention. If our heart intends to worship and give glory to the Lord, our creativity will reflect that. We are reminded in Exodus 35:35: “The Lord has given them special skills as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and scarlet thread on fine linen cloth, and weavers. They excel as craftsmen and as designers.”
The Lord filled the people with special skills to set forth His will in Israel. He gave the people, His hands and feet, a special ability to do the work. We also are to be God’s hands and feet here on earth. Setting forth for others to experience His creation and will for their lives.
Creativity opens a door to draw us closer to God. Sometimes, I do not have the words to express what God has done and is doing in my life. Expression through poetry and music helps me to get what is on the inside out for it to be declared. Christ is the driving force within every word and melody. There is not just one way to worship and honor the Lord. Your creativity, should you choose to use it, can be a catalyst in living in freedom for Christ. We are all different. We all have different gifts. We have the same God.
As 1 Corinthians 12:4-7a (MSG) says, “God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit. God’s various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit. God’s various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits.”
For Further Study
- Know who you worship: your creativity will flow naturally when your mind, heart and soul are fixed on the Lord.
- Make it a priority to experience Christ in various ways. Be in a continuous state to learn and hear from the Lord.
- When you tap into your creativity, Christ is not looking for a masterpiece. He’s seeking after your heart. So give it your all.
- Why Your Creativity Matters to Christ by Thomas Terry and Ryan Lister (The Gospel Coalition)
- Creativity & Faith by Alabaster Co. (article series)
- God is Creative: With the Perrys (YouTube)
This article was originally titled “Outside the Lines” in the September 2024 issue of Peer Magazine.