What is True Modesty About?
God’s desire for our life is to reflect His glory, not our own, and that is true modesty.
Whenever I hear about modesty, it’s always pointed at how girls dress. What is true modesty about?
Modesty is about not being flashy or disrespectful in the way we carry ourselves, which includes, but isn’t limited to, how we dress—and it definitely applies to both girls and boys. The other day, I saw a new trend as I walked the mall with my daughters: Playboy shirts were on display and sold in multiple stores. I don’t see how this is modest in any way. The world is deceptive, and because of social media, we think we need to dress, talk or live a certain way.
The Bible says in Romans 12:2 (NIV), “Do not conform to the pattern of this world.” I believe modesty is presenting ourselves humbly and respectfully to God. When we humbly came to the Lord and surrendered our lives to Him, it was a change that happened in our hearts, but people around us also noticed it. True modesty reflects the change God made in our hearts, and this change is displayed in our life.
As we mature in our relationship with God, we become more like Him. When we give His Spirit permission to take over, it changes how we think, talk, live and, sure, even how we dress. God’s desire for our life is to reflect His glory, not our own, and that is true modesty.