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Video Game Review: Elder Scrolls Online – Elsweyr

If you love everything Elder Scrolls Online, you will surely enjoy this fresh take on a historic franchise. By John Beck
Web Exclusive, Zeitgeist
Photo by Bethesda Studios

“The Elder Scrolls Online” (ESO) is an MMO (massive multiplayer online) style of game set in the Elder Scrolls universe. I will say right from the start that if you do not like MMO-style games, you will not like this game. Even though it is set in the universe, it has different mechanics and a completely different feel. With that in consideration, it is a very fun game. This game has plenty of amazing content for the fans and you can get lost in the lore. The books that are readable are not as populated in the universe, however, you can find them in houses and taverns.

The game plays like a MMO and for that, it does lose some points in my book. It does not offer the individual experience and exposure to the world that is a trademark of the franchise. The combat can be frustrating when other people jump into a battle and break your immersion, or when you cannot solo a quest because you need strangers or friends to help.

The game shines in the environments that are wide open and beautiful. It does capture that classic experience of exploring a vast and unique world. The different regions of Tamriel are distinct and wonderful to behold. My personal favorite, Skyrim, is done to the perfect nostalgia level. Coldharbor is the unique daedra plain that we see, and its physical appearance matches my imagination of Molag Bal’s plain.

For the extreme fan who has a lot of hours in ESO, this may not be the game for you due to the style and immersion breaking. If you just love everything ESO, you will surely enjoy this fresh take on a historic franchise. I give the game a 4.5 and highly recommend the game.

Peer Rating: 4.5/5

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