“This Teenage Life”
Emaniel Brifil reviews “This Teenage Life,” “Radiolab" and “99% Invisible.”
Life as a teenager is not easy. The decisions that you must make and the problems that you face seem overwhelming. Sometimes people just maneuver and deal with the ebbs and flows of life, while others isolate themselves from the world.
This podcast is filled with a ton of ideas, personal stories and views from teenagers who are trying to figure out life. Being able to hear a story and find out that you are not alone helps one sometimes get through some of life’s hardest problems. This doesn’t mean that issues won’t arise, but it does mean that you can overcome them. Take time to check out this podcast and realize that this life is tough, but it’s beautiful when doing it with others.

Hearing people discuss topics that they are passionate about always gives me joy. This podcast brings deep, thought-provoking questions to life that give you the answers to things you didn’t know you needed. It’s like the behind-the-scenes of the ways of the world. If you’re fond of interesting topics, then you might want to give this a listen.

“99% Invisible”
You ever just go through life and wonder how or why things are the way they are? We live in a world that was created by a creative God. But He also wired some creative people to do some amazing things. This podcast breaks down so many of the things that go unnoticed that we see around the world. If you are one of those people who are intrigued by the design of the world, then this is something for you.