#TheMoment: God’s Alive! Can you see Him?
April is here, and Easter is upon us! Peer readers answered this: How have you seen God alive this month?Our faith in God is not distant, cold or ritualistic. Jesus has resurrected and He wants to be in relationship with us! How have you experienced Him in your life lately?

“Although I had a miscarriage and lost my first child, I know that God is alive because my little one is in Heaven with Him. God can make good things come out of
Kevin Elaine, 24bad situation when we open our hearts to His abundant love and peace.”
Red Oak, TX

“The reason I’m reminded God is still alive is my children. The gift of life. If it wasn’t for the power of prayer and the gift God, my son wouldn’t have lived past 6 weeks old. He’s now almost 3!”
Aiyanna, 23
Harrison, MI

“I know God is alive because I see him in the world all around me. A rainy day might look sad but it is life-giving rain than lets beautiful flowers bloom. Every living creature supports each other from the smallest ant to the largest elephant. The trees dance while the wind sings “He is here”. Every star within the night sky was crafted so delicately by the creator. Every blade of grass grows and God has created each one. All of it is beyond a level that I could comprehend yet God decided to create me too.”
Erin, 19
Holland, MI

“I know that God is real because He has helped me find friends that make me feel good about myself and encourage me to do my best. They help my personality grow and I feel like my best self when I’m around them.”
Sloane, 15
Chantilly, VA

“Ever since sixth grade I’ve struggled with bullying every single year and at a different school every year, but within the last year God has placed a blessing in my life in my life that reminded me that God is alive and that he has a plan for me, he placed a best friend in my life. The minute we met I knew I had finally been given what I have been begging God for, for what seems like forever. And now even though I still go through the same struggles I have a person by my side to remind me to not lose hope in God.”
Aubryana, 14
Beloit, WI

“Lately I’ve been digging into my faith more than ever before – particularly learning how to discern God’s voice in the midst of chaos. My mom and my sister have both been privileged with special ways of hearing from God, and during times when God may seem silent or distant, the testimony of their gifts reminds me that He is truly alive.”
Danae, 19
Largo, Florida
Want to share your moments with Peer? Get featured in our magazine by submitting your answer to the current prompt at peermag.org/themoment.