“The Just Different Podcast”
"These two brothers give us a real glimpse of their brotherhood and the kingdom of God."Start this year with a podcast that will blow you away. Family is what you are born into, while friends are what you choose. Two brothers, Jordan and Darin Starks, find their way in preaching the gospel and sharing their personal lives with listeners. Following God is not an easy journey, and you’ll learn that quickly if you are intentionally pursuing a relationship with Christ. Looking to be set apart from the world? This is a podcast that will not only challenge you, but it will also help you grow closer to Jesus. Whether it be what’s going on in the world or what’s going on with them, Jordan and Darin keep it real with listeners. These two brothers give us a real glimpse of their brotherhood and the kingdom of God. They share conversations that can be starting points and topics to discuss with your community as you look to deepen your faith in God in 2025.
“Your Daily Prayer”
Each year, people profess that one of their goals is to know Jesus more. It’s hard to know someone who you don’t spend a lot of time with. Episodes of “Your Daily Prayer” are relatively short, but serve as a starting point to knock out one daily devotional and prayer each day.
“Your Daily Bible Verse”
From the other reviews, you may notice a trend that focuses on growing your faith. You can’t grow in your faith without getting into God’s word. People can, at times, take Scripture out of context. This podcast takes a verse a day and dissects it in less than 10 minutes. Listen and learn more about different Bible verses.