From the Editor

Take a Step

Each time is a step in the right direction. By Major Jamie Satterlee
From the Editor

Almost each week, the Peer team meets to brainstorm ideas for upcoming content. We research trends with Gen Z, search for new authors and work hard to develop content that is relevant, while also leading toward growth. While we plan with Gen Z in mind, God often reveals things to me as each issue is developed. I find myself challenged, encouraged and convicted as I read and edit. This month is no different. 

Included in this issue are three features on prayer, soul rest and evangelism. While it wasn’t planned this way months ago when we started prepping this issue, it just so happens that I am currently wrestling with two of these topics. But … maybe it didn’t “just so happen.” More than likely, it was God who knew what I needed, when I needed it.

Prayer hasn’t always been a challenge for me. There was a time when prayer came naturally throughout the day. But over time, it became less natural. I found myself  running around during the day and then climbing into bed at night to the crushing realization that I went through another day without talking to God. Sure, I could, and would, pray then, but would often drift off to sleep mid-prayer. 

That’s not the kind of relationship that I want, but somehow, I became too busy to cultivate that relationship. 

If I’m so busy and if my mind is so rushed that I’m not finding space to talk to God, which can be done while I drive, work or clean around the house, then I need to make some changes in my life. There was a time when I thought that I was too busy for Sabbath, but then it hit me; saying that I was too busy for rest is making myself far more important than I am. Who in the world do I think I am?! The world will not stop spinning without me. Nothing will fall apart if I set aside that day for rest and renewal. The only One on whom it all depends is God. 

Have you ever encountered a problem, or even a goal, where you can see the destination but are paralyzed to make the first step? With both issues, I had to figure out the first step and follow through if I wanted a change in the relationship. By no means do I have it all figured out, but I’m trying. I write down my prayer list in the morning; it doesn’t happen every morning, but it happens more often than it used to. It’s a step in the right direction. I don’t always put work aside on the Sabbath, but it happens more often than it used to. Each time is a step in the right direction.

I hope that you find the features helpful. Read them, pray about them and then ask yourself, “What’s my first step?” 

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