Meet Riley
Riley trusts in God’s provision and relies on the community around her when strife comes.
Riley was born and raised in The Salvation Army. When she was seven years old, she attended summer camp for the first time. She accepted Christ while sitting with her cabin mates. Since then, she has strengthened her faith and love for Jesus.
While growing up in The Salvation Army hasn’t always been easy—Riley and her family have moved multiple times since her parents became officers (pastors)—she loves being part of it. “I love the community that I feel with other members of The Salvation Army. I like to go to events and see my friends, and it’s always a good experience. Everyone knows everyone.”

When she isn’t at church, Riley enjoys playing in band class. She’s been in band since she was seven years old and now plays baritone in both concert and marching band.
When Covid-19 was declared a pandemic and the world went under lockdown, Riley went through a very hard time. She had experienced a lot of hard things that year. She held onto the belief that God was doing everything for a purpose, and eventually, it would be okay. So, she spent her time growing in her relationship with God. She talked with her parents, she read her Bible, and she asked people she knew about their faith experience. Whenever she gets stuck or needs to talk, she asks her mom, Captain Gin Pack, who holds the biggest spiritual influence in her life. “My mom has a lot of good energy and faith. I can talk to her about my faith, and she listens.”

Throughout the past year, Riley has leaned on her favorite verse, Luke 10:27 (NIV): “He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” She says it’s a good reminder for her to always love God first and others second.
“If I knew someone who was struggling in their faith, I would tell them to trust God’s plan. You are here for a purpose and God has a plan for you. He won’t always give you what you want, but you will always get what you need.”