Podcast Reviews
Emaniel Brifil reviews Da Kickback, Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me and 60-Second Science podcasts.
Do you ever sit and wonder the inner thoughts of strangers or maybe even friends? Cherika, Sabrina and Emaniel take a deep dive on telling you how they feel, people who they would want to sit at their table, hot topics going on in the world, motivational insight and likely a current event that may have slipped past your timeline. You don’t want to miss out on the laughs and the serious moments. This is a podcast for anyone who has a sense of humor, but also loves to be informed about important events. I am sure you will listen to this podcast and come away with a love and respect for these three individuals. “Da Kickback” is where it’s at. One thing you can always remember from this podcast is that “If life tries to kick you down, make sure you KICKBACK!”

Ever been in the middle of a conversation with a friend, and you just blurt out “Wait Wait …? Don’t Tell Me” because you know the answer? This podcast is a pop quiz on current events—some that have actually happened and others that are made up to get you thinking.

The name alone may be a little misleading, so maybe the podcast is more 300-Second Science. Most of the episodes are around five minutes and filled with fun scientific facts that you probably won’t learn in school or with a quick Google search. As research continues in the realm of different specialties and new developments come out, this is the podcast to find that out.