
Podcast Reviews

Emaniel Brifil reviews Let's Be Real, The Rachel Hollis Podcast and TruthLinesVoice. By Emaniel Brifil

Known mostly for her role with Disney, Sammy Jaye is seen as an influencer and correspondent. Taking time to sit with celebrities of different backgrounds, she talks about life with them. Sammy Jaye is tactical in her approach with the questions she asks the guest. Many of these celebrities are people that teens and young adults see as their role models. She poses questions based off the challenges Gen Z listeners deal with. It also gets a little fun as they dive into the space of who the best music artist is or what songs are on your current playlist. A solid balance of silly and serious keeps listeners engaged and entertained. If you want to know more about the perspectives of athletes, activists, celebrities and different types of influencers, Sammy Jaye will help you out. 

Once a week, Rachel Hollis shares her perspective on life’s ups and downs. If you’re looking for motivation, you can find it through this podcast. She interviews some of the top leaders around the world to share their gems with us. This is a good place for some insight and inspiration.

Ever had someone speak on your behalf and they were loud and wrong? This podcast tries to find a balanced way to speak into the issues that influence teens and young adults. It releases bi-monthly and aims at giving another viewpoint for people to consider. The hosts do not shy away from the controversial topics.

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