Podcast Reviews
Emaniel Brifil reviews 5 Minutes in Church Hisotry, The Glorious in the Mundane and Good Christian Fun.If you have ever attended church, you may wonder why certain things happen the way they do or who came up with what or how is anything still a topic of discussion for us today. All are valid, thought-provoking questions that sometimes the individual you might ask may not have the answer to.
The people from church history who are discussed in this podcast help give me a better understanding of their backgrounds and upbringing. The host and guests provide vivid imagery to the places we read about in the Bible as if we were in those settings. If you’re looking for a new podcast about church customs or traditions, this is a great podcast for you. You can gather some of the information that host Stephen Nichols shares and use it as a conversation starter with people in your circle. Having discussions on these questions will help us grow.
The goodness of God is something that we each get to experience daily. He gives us the breath to breathe and in return, He wants us to praise His name. Depending on the season, Christy typically steers the podcast with a mini-series about a specific topic. Her life’s calling is simply to share music with people and give people practical steps to embrace the goodness of God.
Have you ever heard someone say that Christians are uptight or church is boring? People sometimes give “church” a bad rep or think there’s no fun in following Jesus. I can assure you that there is no greater journey than learning about yourself and learning about God, Creator of all things. This podcast is just two friends who talk about everyday life while intertwining biblical stances and guests to bring insights to their conversations.