Podcast Review: “The United States of Anxiety”
"I want to encourage anyone that finds themselves working in a highly stressful environment to be extremely cautious of your biases."
This podcast grabbed my attention by the title alone. One episode targets bias and racism that occurs both directly and indirectly. It’s not a secret that throughout history, our world—more specifically, our country—has endured the pain of racism and prejudice. Even through a pandemic, people are still putting their biases before humanity. The special guest, Dr. Gail Christopher, mentioned, “Bias doesn’t make you racist, it makes you human.” It is important that we all “check our biases” at the door. In most cases, when we are stressed or find ourselves in fearful moments, it can lead to acting out our biases. I want to encourage anyone that finds themselves working in a highly stressful environment to be extremely cautious of your biases. It is very easy to go from biased to racist.
“The Diversity Gap”

What does diversity look like in your heart? The “Diversity Gap” podcast highlights diversity, inclusion and equity. The word “diversity” can be a beautiful thing, but it could also be disingenuous. In most organizations, you can immediately acknowledge the lack of diversity from the leadership down to the local level.
“SEL Convergence”

In the “SEL Convergence” podcast you will be encouraged to think about your personal health and wellness. I like the emphasis on wellness that this podcast gives. In all that we engage throughout the course of a day, our wellness should always be a priority.