
Podcast Review: Speaking of Psychology

Samuel Knapp describes suicide as the desire to die and the capability to kill oneself in this podcast. By Devonte Lawson

This podcast puts the spotlight on a very dark topic: suicide. Suicide rates have drastically climbed nationally from 1999 to 2016. Samuel Knapp describes suicide in two simple thoughts: the desire to die and the capability to kill oneself. This episode is very informative, especially if you may have had suicidal thoughts or know someone who has. A well-known theory has been the disconnection that adolescents have from social interactions.

People are great at creating a reputation on social media with others who like and share our opinion. However, in reality, we sit in isolation and choose not to socialize or engage! If you know someone struggling with thoughts of suicide, here is a tip from this podcast: don’t try to persuade them, but rather listen and provide a meaningful human experience through your friendship.

Gen Z Guide

The “Gen Z Guide” podcast provides insight on real life. Growing up in your 20s, a lot of major changes occur that are not taught. Experiencing the loss of a family member can drastically affect a person’s well-being. Megan, the host, vulnerably shares her experience in this podcast.

1 Minute Train Yourself Tip

The “1 Minute Train Yourself Tip” podcast advertises the best use of words: encouragement! Encouraging others is so easy, even a child can be an expert at it. After tuning in to this podcast, try thinking of people in your circle you can uplift. The best part about encouragement is that it’s free!

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