Music Review: Kyshona
Check out music artist Kyshona's song “Burdens Down” from her album “The Ride.”
@kyshona8 is a phenomenal Nashville-based singer/songwriter who embodies true soul music. Check out her song “Burdens Down” from her album “The Ride.” This song feels like a modern-day spiritual in its songwriting approach. Its use of cryptic lyrics, along with

Podcast: Fake Deep
“Fake Deep” has an episode entitled “People Pleasing.” Maybe you can relate to these com- mon signs of people pleasing:
- Pretending to agree with everyone
- Notabletosayno
- Feeling responsible for how others feel
- Not admitting when your own feelings are hurt
- Uncomfortable when someone is mad at you and often apologizing for it
You may look at these and think, “hey that’s me!” As young people, we need to be aware of the burden we put on ourselves. Living up to the expectations of others (that may not even exist) can cause extreme anxiety, stress

“Outside Worship” came together with the common passion and desire to empower God’s people, build His Kingdom and worship the living God. Members Marty Mikles, Anna Street and Phil Laeger have dedicated their lives to the arts and have a continued devotion to God, despite the obstacles they have faced and contin- ue to face.
Their newest single, “Freedom,” is a worship song that ushers you into the very place the song speaks about—freedom! The production opens gently and then builds as the song progresses. All three singers work as one. The song drives home their desire to follow David in 2 Samuel, declaring that the house of God be a place of worship without boundaries! By Damien Horne

KDV is a Nashville-based Christian hip hop artist who had a dramatic encounter with God that turned his life around. His latest single, “Let Em Talk,” uses his testimony and scripture to deliver the message that no matter what people may say, his new focus is on God and kingdom business! By Damien Horne

Be-Tween’s two-part podcast series entitled, “How to Be Your Own Boss” helps prepare young people who are interested in being entrepreneurs. These members of Generation Z provide helpful questions that determine if you have what it takes to be a young BOSS. Generation Z is the largest entrepreneurial generation in history, so it’s worth listening to. By Devonte Lawson
“Generation Z is the largest entrepreneurial generation in history”

In the “7 Good Minutes Podcast” entitled “Overcoming Fears and Anxiety,” we are given helpful tips about how to navigate through our fears. Mel Robbins describes it as an “anchor thought”—seeing through our fears by focusing on the positive outcome that is associated with the fear itself. By Devonte Lawson