
Miss Volunteer America Reflects On The Importance of Volunteering

In 2023, Hannah Perrigin was crowned Miss Volunteer America. By David Reardon

Hannah Perrigin, winner of the Miss Volunteer America 2023 pageant and first-generation college graduate from the University of Mississippi, is a regular volunteer with The Salvation Army. As Miss Volunteer America, she travels all over the country. Over the last year, Hannah has traveled more than 30,000 miles to volunteer across the U.S. and work with organizations like The Salvation Army. In her home state of Mississippi, she recorded a PSA with a local news station encouraging young people to volunteer and help their communities. A memorable opportunity as Miss Volunteer America included hiking a glacier in Alaska in a gown for a photo shoot. Hannah recently visited the Washington D.C. area to meet with The Salvation Army and also members of Congress. 

Hannah’s volunteer work is very important to her, having been brought up with Christian values of charity and generosity by her grandmother.  

“I believe that we are called to help other individuals on this planet if we have the means,” Hannah says. She goes on to say that young adults should be active in helping those around them however they can. “Now more than ever, you have all of this free time to get out there, and you can truly help change the world, piece by piece, person by person.”

Getting involved with volunteering for the first time might be difficult. Hannah is aware of this and had a similar struggle at first. “I knew that I wanted to get out there and work. Sadly, making connections is hard. But once you make these connections, they’re there.” Hannah’s advice for those looking to get into volunteering is to advocate for yourself, reach out and make connections. 

Hannah expresses immense gratefulness to God for all that He’s done in her life. “I could write a book about all the things that God has placed in my life and how much favor He’s shown me … Whether it’s ringing a bell for The Salvation Army or speaking to children at their local schools, I’m grateful that this was His plan for me.”

Hollywood Comes To Camp Homelani 

Earlier this year, Camp Homelani in Hawaii was visited by the cast and crew of the show “NCIS: Hawaii.” 

The cast and crew  visited the camp to film an episode directed by LeVar Burton (“Star Trek,” “Reading Rainbow”). Parts of the episode filmed inside one of the camp cabins. 

“We will keep you posted on when this episode is airing,” as noted on the Camp Homelani Facebook and Instagram pages. 

To stay up to date on the episode details, follow @camphomelani on Instagram.

Dodging for Dollars

In January, the Indianapolis Echelon chapter hosted a “Dodging for Dollars” dodgeball tournament at The Salvation Army Fountain Square Corps & Community Center in Indianapolis, IN. 

Each participant paid $10 and there were 130 participants and guests total. 10 teams played two games each to enter a bracket and the winning team of the final knockout game received more than $500 worth of sports tickets. Each team registered for $150 and also had the chance to purchase a “get back in the game card” for $10. 

The event raised $2,400. The funds raised by the Indianapolis Echelon chapter will go to the mission and initiatives of The Salvation Army facilities in central Indiana. 

“It was a great way to bring a diverse group of people together for a fun fundraising event which we used to increase awareness of The Salvation Army, expand the impact of the Army, and recruit deeper involvement,” Jake Brown, the co-president of the Indianapolis Echelon chapter, said. “With more than 130 guests in attendance, we hope this event will spark further participation and volunteerism from those in attendance.”

Delivering For Good

When the Baltimore bridge collapsed, The Salvation Army was able to respond thanks to a special canteen donated by FedEx. This wasn’t just any canteen truck—it was one of 23 specially equipped vehicles donated by FedEx to The Salvation Army across the globe. 

Part of the FedEx “Delivering for Good” initiative, this partnership exemplifies a strategic fit: The Salvation Army, with its unwavering motto of “Doing the Most Good,” and FedEx, anticipating and delivering what’s needed, where and when it’s needed.

These trucks are lifelines after fires, floods and hurricanes. Wherever tragedy strikes, The Salvation Army, with support from FedEx, is often the first to arrive, offering a helping hand and a warm meal to those in need.

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