Meet Miriam
It’s not every day you meet a teenager who, despite a terminal diagnosis, maintained fervent faith in God.
It all began when Miriam was 12 years old. A tumor in her left femur was discovered and was diagnosed as Ewing’s Sarcoma—a cancer that occurs in and around the bones.
Cancer treatments affected Miriam’s schooling, interrupting her 7th, 8th and 9th grade years. Miriam stayed strong throughout her treatments, though she found herself focusing on who everyone else thought she should be and lost her focus on who she was and her relation- ship with Jesus.
It wasn’t until she worked at a Salvation Army camp (age 15), that Miriam devoted her life back to God and grew significantly in her faith. She describes camp as the place she found God.
But January 2018 held difficult news— the cancer relapsed in her left lung. Treatment began and surgery followed in April, removing half of her lung. “They thought that there was one tumor—it turned out to be seven,” shares Miriam.
Miriam remained clear for three months when a scan in August of 2018 showed a new tumor growing in her lung cavity. Another scan six weeks later revealed that the tumor had quadrupled in size. With no viable treatment options left, doctors estimated that Miriam had three to four months left on this earth.
17-year-old Miriam bravely fought cancer and faced her own mortality. She planned and spoke at her own “fun-eral” (as she called it) in November and spent her last days writing cards and notes to those she loved.
Miriam was more than a cancer kid. Not defined by her sickness, she chose to cling to Jesus through every difficulty and shared His love with others. In Mir
At her funeral, Miriam shared these words: “I would love more time. But I cannot wait to get to Heaven—I’m gonna run and leap into the arms of Jesus.”
*Miriam ran into the arms of Jesus on January 31, 2019. Please join us in prayer for the Sawka family— Captains Dan and Stephanie Sawka (parents), and Miriam’s sisters, Bailey (19) and Elizabeth (15).