Meet Bobilyn
"It’s not about perfection—on the surface or in the depths of who we are. It’s about living day to day with Jesus, in who we find ultimate connection."
“Sometimes that life-changing message comes from unlikely places.”
For Bobilyn, it came through a podcast.
Life was good for Bobilyn, but even with the goodness, there were things happening beneath the surface—things that aren’t always easy to see.

Behind the scenes, Bobilyn was struggling with depression. Days would go by with no energy and overwhelming emotions. Her seemingly charmed life didn’t feel so charming, and it was hard to know what to do or where to turn. One day, Bobilyn was listening to an episode from “The Porch” podcast about loneliness. In that moment, something clicked for Bobilyn—her depression was rooted in loneliness, not loneliness from friend connections, of which she had, but ultimately a loneliness from missing the most important connection: a relationship with Jesus.

This connection has spurred Bobilyn to seek out ways to serve in her community. She continues to be active in band and her local corps (church) band. She volunteers at the corps, helping at events like Vacation Bible School. Bobilyn graduated early from high school and is getting ready to start college classes this fall, while also holding down a job. Life is busy, but not too busy to nurture her relationship with Jesus. “I’ve realized that you don’t always have to be perfect. No one expects you to have your life fully together at 17,” Bobilyn shares. “It’s OK to make mistakes. Making a mistake doesn’t mean you have to go all the way back to the starting line.” It’s not about perfection—on the surface or in the depths of who we are. It’s about living day to day with Jesus, in who we find ultimate connection.