Meet Madi
An only child, Madi grew up attending church at The Salvation Army with her officer parents, Majors Bryan and Laura DeMichael.
Watching her parents pray and read the Bible every day, 4-year-old Madi knew that she wanted to accept Christ. But at a young age, Madi did not fully understand how to live for Christ.
As Madi grew older, she always knew to focus on Jesus, but always felt like an outsider with friends at school due to different choices in belief. This created a gap in making friends. She grew anxious, which remained when she entered sixth grade. Her anxiety continued to consume her, and so she began homeschooling from grades 6-8.
When Madi decided to enter public school again, she had a clear sense of who and whose she was. The anxiety lingered as time went on. Madi craved community; it was her desire to be surrounded by people of the same faith and journey through life together. While she wrestled with the thought of not being enough for a friend group, she was encouraged by a leader who said, “Even though you may not have a lot of friends, it’s about how you affect others around you.”
This left a mark on Madi’s heart. Madi decided to recommit her life to Christ at Youth Councils in 2018 at Camp SWONEKY, where she found a passion for ministry and praying for other people. She began to study the Word and even started a Bible club at high school with a weekly attendance of more than 40 people.
Madi’s influence at high school led her to speak at graduation. In a secular school of more than 400 students, Madi decided to use her platform to encourage the audience with the story of Mary and Martha. She urged her classmates to live in each moment. There’s no need to dwell on the past when moving forward. God has brought us through for a reason and has more in store for us.
Anxiety began to fade and Madi heard from the Lord once more. At summer camp three years ago, the Lord gave her a vision of chains breaking. Her heart felt lighter. She felt the closeness of the Lord and peace flowing through her.
The Lord has carried Madi through anxiety. She attends Indiana Wesleyan University. For anyone struggling with anxiety, Madi encourages you with this: “God has a plan for you, and it will come together at the end. Don’t give up, keep going and keep working. You got this.”
Madi realized no one else can give peace like the Lord. No one else can satisfy like the Lord. Madi’s life verse is Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV), “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”