Living the RevHI Life
Young people in Hawaii live simply and love deeply with the mission of reaching others with the love of Jesus Christ.
Revolution Hawaii is a residential mission opportunity in Hawaii run by The Salvation Army for 18 – to 29-year-olds who may be in-between majors, semesters, jobs or just looking for a strong foundation for the rest of their life. RevHI’s mission is to reach, disciple and mobilize young adults.
This year they have an international team made up of 14 amazing young adults who have been diving deep and growing large in their faith. This select group comes from as far away as Japan, Spain, Canada and across the United States. Since September they have been living the RevHI life of authentic discipleship, fellowship, worship

Team member Emma Quan says, “I have been loving the RevHi life so far. God has been speaking to me and revealing Himself in new ways every day. I’m learning so much about the Bible and God’s character. Outreach on Sunday nights is one of my favorite things we do as we go out on the streets, go to the people, meet them where they’re at and share the love of Jesus with them.”
Team member Emma Quan says, “I have been loving the RevHi life so far. God has been speaking to me and revealing Himself in new ways every day. I’m learning so much about the Bible and God’s character. Outreach on Sunday nights is one of my favorite things we do as we go out on the streets, go to the people, meet them where they’re at and share the love of Jesus with them.”
If you are interested in bringing a revolution to your life and your world, sign up now at

66 young people from Salvation Army corps (churches) across the nation attended “Urbana”—a global missions conference that hosted around 10,000 students. Young people learned about global missions and how to be missional in their communities. Peer T-shirts and copies of the magazine were handed out at “Urbana” with a Salvation Army canteen parked in the exhibit hall. Students signed up for a free one-year subscription through iPad kiosks. In the few days of being there, 500 young people signed up!
Tumbling for a Cause

xpect to see impressive gymnastics and acrobatic stunts with Asbury University’s Tumbling Team in action! This outreach ministry team performs for churches, schools and community organizations, aiming to tell others about Jesus Christ through the vehicle of gymnastics and sports acrobatics.
Head Coach Rebecca Vaughn says, “This ministry means so much to me and the team members because it is a unique way that we can use our specific skills to show the love of Christ. Through our gymnastics shows and clinics we are able to grab the attention of children we meet and then pour into them individually. Team members often say that they most treasure the one-on-one time spent with the kids outside of the show. We often try to join the children for lunch, recess or even during class time.”
Though the team’s beginning roots are from 1935, the tumbling team was founded in 1965 and continues to travel throughout the United States, spreading the love of Jesus.
Follow Asbury’s tumbling team on Facebook and see what they’re up to next!
“This ministry means so much to me and the team members because it is a unique way that we can use our specific skills to show the love of Christ.”
Divine Reading
60 young adults in The Salvation Army’s Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma *division gathered for a young adult retreat at Camp Hoblitzelle, TX. Special guest and recording artist Jimmy Needham, together with his wife, Kelly, taught on missional living and relationship building. Delegates were also challenged to build relationships outside of their churches with Micah 6:8 in mind: act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God. The weekend concluded by leading delegates through “Lecto Divinia”—a Latin term meaning “divine reading.” This describes a method of reading the Bible that puts our own agenda aside and depends on hearing the voice of God.
*A division is a geographical area that demarcates regional Salvation Army operations.
Indonesian Schools Confront Challenges
Salvation Army schools in rural Indonesia face unusual challenges. Villages are remote and difficult to reach, which makes educational facilities hard to monitor and develop. Many families speak local dialects rather than the official national language, complicating the introduction of government-mandated standard curriculum into communities. And the scarcity of books means children lack opportunities to practice even the most basic skills.
But in partnership with The Salvation Army World Service Office, local Salvation Army schools are developing new strategies to confront these challenges. The most talented teachers oversee and train their regional peers, increasing opportunities for professional development while decreasing the need for difficult, expensive interisland travel. New, experimental tablet-based software gives educators immediate access to resources while sending real-time data from local classrooms directly to leaders in the capital city of Jakarta.