Korean Kourage
"The vitality of the Salvation Army in Korea today is a tribute to the tenacious devotion of its people."

Commissioner Herbert A. Lord writes of The Salvation Army’s brave fight for Jesus in Korea.
The vitality of the Salvation Army in Korea today is a tribute to the tenacious devotion of its people. Salvationists born in the flame of revival whose spiritual weapons are tempered in the forge of affrication are not easily daunted. Theirs is “The soldier’s grace” of faithfulness. The history of the Army in this peninsula is bright with martyr faith and uncommon courage.
General Paul Rader, Seventy Years In Korea (Year Book 1978)
“In 1939 all missionary personnel was evacuated; all subsidies of money, men and materials from overseas were stopped. Determined efforts were made by the occupying power to retard, suppress and finally to destroy all Christian activities. Our Korean officers were prevented from wearing Salvation Army uniform; many well-known hymns were deleted from the Army’s songbook; the Bible could only be read in public with profound discretion. But the majority of the Korean officers bravely carried on, many seeking part-time work as merchants, farmers, poultry-keepers in order to maintain themselves.
Moving are the tales that could be told of praying Salvationists who refused to be intimidated or daunted by the authorities, and who, in spite of dungeon and death, continued to use our halls for worship and to maintain a ‘light on our altars.’
Halls had been sold, rented, destroyed. Headquarters had been gradually hired out, room by room, to meet ever-increasing financial demands. Quarters had been reduced to an impossible minimum, entire families crowding into small, dark rooms. Some had lost hope altogether. Nevertheless the true Spirit was still there.”

Major Sin Soo III
“Refused three times for training as an officer on account of his inability to read or write, Sin Soon III walked 300 miles to the training garrison (college), arriving after midnight. Given one night’s accommodation, next morning he helped with the cooking, cleaning and general work, and finally appeared in the cadet’s classroom. Told to go home, he showed his sore feet and asked to be allowed to stay until they were better. Zeal, determination and hard study resulted in his remaining on probation. He made good.
Throughout the years he kept up his study. He had revival after revival, did a mighty work for God, and became known throughout the land as ‘the Billy Sunday of Korea.’ Captured while in charge of a corps in the north by Communist soldiers, he and his wife, both then over sixty-five years of age, escaped by wading across an arm of the sea, the water up to their lips. Two or three days later they reported at Headquarters in Seoul for another appointment.”
Source: Half A Century In Korea by Commissioner Herbert A. Lord (Year Book 1958)
Major Noh Yong Soo
“Senior-Major Noh Yong Soo, one of the older corps officers of Korea, was taken prisoner when the town in which he was stationed was entered by North Korean troops. He was offered his life if he would renounce Christianity, but clasping his Bible in one hand and his Salvation Army song book in the other, he firmly declared: ‘I may die or I may live, but I am Jesus Christ’s man.’ And with this testimony on his lips he passed from this world into the peace of God.”
This article was originally published in the Summer 2016 issue of YS.