6 Journaling Prompts For You To Start Journaling This Month
Here are six journaling prompts to begin this month.
Journaling is a very popular self-care activity to improve your mental health. Want to start journaling but don’t know where to start? Here are six journaling prompts to begin this month.
1. How can I read my Bible this month?
Write about times you can read your Bible this month. Maybe for you, it’s in the morning. Maybe it’s in the evening. Reflect on how you can spend your time in the Word—whether that’s in 15-minute devotionals, reading a passage a day or an hour-long study.
2. When has God answered a prayer in your life?
Reflect on a time when God has answered a prayer in your life. Did you pray for it consistently? How did you feel after you knew the prayer was answered? Did you praise God for it? On the other side, write about a time when you felt God hasn’t answered a prayer in your life and if you are continuing to pray for that.
3. What brings me the most joy?
Write this in list or paragraph form! Write out the things that bring you joy—these can either be small or big! Maybe for you, this is grabbing coffee with your bestie. Maybe this is celebrating a win at school. What has brought you joy recently?
4. How can I love those around me today?
Write about how you can love those around you today, whether they’re your close, personal friends or strangers and/or acquaintances you encounter. Hold open the door or smile at someone—these are a couple of examples.
5. Write a letter to your body.
If you’re struggling to appreciate your body appearance, write a letter to your body; get your feelings down on paper. Then, write down everything that your body does for you.
6. What am I grateful for?
Write three things that you are thankful for today. Do you have an event coming up like a dinner with friends or family? Write down that you’re grateful for that family time. That gratitude will carry you into a positive mindset for the day.
This article was published in the April 2023 issue of Peer.