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Unmasking Imposter Syndrome: How to Overcome Feelings of Being an “Imposter”

Overcoming imposter syndrome is not only possible but also pivotal for unlocking your full potential.  By Charlie Creskoff
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Lurking in the shadows of achievement is a quiet critic—that voice we all have that says we aren’t good enough, that we don’t deserve what we’ve accomplished, or that something (anything) will go wrong, and it will be our fault. Sound familiar?   

This voice is louder for some than others, but a majority of people experience it at some point in their education, career or hobbies. Some may just call it insecurity—but there’s another term for it: imposter syndrome.   

An intrusive psychological phenomenon, imposter syndrome brings with it persistent doubts about your accomplishments and a fear of being exposed as a fraud. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a high school student, imposter syndrome can cast a gloom over your achievements and make you second-guess your efforts. But it doesn’t have to be this way forever; overcoming imposter syndrome is not only possible but also pivotal for unlocking your full potential. 

At its core, imposter syndrome thrives on self-doubt and the tendency to attribute success to luck or external factors rather than your own strength and skill. Despite outward progress, people grappling with imposter syndrome often experience a nagging sense of inadequacy. This doesn’t just undermine self-confidence—it also perpetuates a cycle of self-sabotage, possibly leading you to shy away from new opportunities or downplay achievements to avoid scrutiny or attention. 

The journey to overcoming imposter syndrome begins with self-awareness and a willingness to challenge limiting beliefs. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of imposter syndrome is the first step towards reclaiming control over your narrative. By acknowledging the self-doubt and reframing negative thought patterns, you can begin to knock down the barriers that impede your progress. 

Other ways to combat imposter syndrome and boost your confidence include: 

Cultivating a growth mindset  

This step is key in combating imposter syndrome. Lean into the fact that intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication and effort! Recognizing that setbacks are not permanent and can actually serve as opportunities for growth is far more empowering than viewing them solely as a personal failure. You are your harshest critic—instead of telling yourself that you aren’t smart or skilled enough, let each bump in the road simply be a teaching tool. What lesson did it bring you? How can you use this to develop a new strength, or boost an existing one? By adopting a proactive approach to learning and development, you’ll find yourself building up confidence and believing in yourself more. 

Seeking support 

Reaching out to mentors, peers or mental health professionals is nothing to be embarrassed about. Asking for help is a fantastic way to get a new perspective and gain invaluable guidance. Sharing experiences and vulnerabilities with others who have walked a similar path can offer reassurance and validation. Most of all, it can help you to remember that you’re not alone, and that other people see you in a much brighter light than you see yourself.   

Reorient your goals  

Are your current goals achievable? Are your expectations of yourself realistic? It’s great to shoot for the stars, but you also need to recognize that you’re human—and that that’s okay! Take some time to reflect on what you specifically want to accomplish, why that aim is important to you, where it comes from, and then take stock of each little step that you’ll need to take to get there.  Along the way, be sure to check in with yourself. If you need a break, or if you need to adjust your timeline, do so.   

Ultimately, overcoming imposter syndrome is not a destination. It’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By challenging limiting beliefs, cultivating a growth mindset, seeking support and setting realistic goals, you can start to loosen the grip of self-doubt. Remember, you are not an imposter; you are a work in progress, constantly evolving and growing into the best version of yourself.  

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